Gewest13 wins SintLucas tender

A sharp conceptual approach, an engaging design, and a well-matched proposal secured Gewest13 the contract to develop the new website for SintLucas.

With a broad range of creative-technical programs, SintLucas is the premier vocational school for the creative industry. From campuses in Boxtel and Eindhoven, it trains young talent to become professionals ready for careers in the creative sector or further education.

“SintLucas has undergone significant growth in recent years. Yet, this collaboration feels like coming home for us. With the new location in Eindhoven just a short walk away and extensive experience mentoring SintLucas students, we understand the essence of SintLucas better than anyone. In fact, we still cherish our own memories as students there.”


Online Specialists

Gewest13 specializes in interactive media and branding but is particularly recognized for its expertise in crafting strong online brand experiences. The agency believes in creating engaging websites that not only connect with the right audience but also reflect the unique atmosphere and innovative spirit of the creative industry in the Brainport region.


Experience and Conversion

For Gewest13, a powerful online experience is essential to inspire and attract prospective students and their parents. Balancing experience with conversion is a delicate art, and Gewest13 brings years of expertise to the task. The website is being developed in close collaboration with SintLucas and will be launched to the public by the end of summer.

View the result here